Fu Bubble was never published. I seriously would like to know why. If you can not be that considerate, I will gladly delete Urban dictionary and all its links from my device.
2👍 1👎
Something the if you get on it, Felix the cat will be at your house ready to fuck you with his magic bag
www.deviantart.com mehlove art Warrior-Cats-Names-Taken-Seriously-1-659285538 Is Felix the cats worst enemy, the true reason why he doesn’t use deviantart
Injecting Heroin in the company of friends and family
we finna get seriously brown tonight
welcome back to the zac brown show things are about to get seriously brown
When you're so angry and say to a random boy seriously boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?
Ugh! Seriously Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii??????????
Yeah, no, you know that's not what it means.
Hym "Yeah, and I think on some level you know that. So that's just more of me being right. 'There are gradations of seriousness and you will cherry-pick out the information that affirms your supposed superiority to me (moral or otherwise)' See that? I quoted myself. I subverted the paradigm. That's just me being right again. That's why it was so important for me to add as much context as possible. So I could sit here and watch you strip it way as though I hadn't provided it in the first place. RIGHT AGAIN! Didn't I say you would do that!? I'm like a seer! You don't care. It's the hitler thing and the post concussion syndrome thing and you don't really care either way. As long as you can use woman to validate your existence and nothing bad is happening to you in the present... It just isn't real. So the consequences of your willful ignorance remain ethereal. And it's funny because the claim is that your behavior is a manifestation of my behavior but it doesn't ever go the other way does it?"
Something said in such exact details that it gives a hint that the person did it.
Smegma man: Guys do you know how to fix a magnesium fire after getting circumcised in Mexico at 3:09 Am in a hospital while being deported to Puerto Rico?
Al: Dude are you alright? That was seriously specific.
An album by Phil collins
person 1 : … but seriously
person 2 : Phil Collins?
person 1: I uh-