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When a man with a name beginning with a B is an asshat

that guy called ben is such a shitass

by TShagger October 29, 2023


A handsome Minecraft character originating from Dream videos, that, in meme culture, people try to impress by attempting various kinds of speedruns in Minecraft.

Hey Shitass, wanna see me speedrun?

by CNETZ November 4, 2020


A guy who unexpectedly outdoes their rival in a Youtube Challenge Video.

Speedrunner: Hey Shitass, wanna see me speedbridge?

by Smortboi420 October 28, 2020


A YouTube or some one who has not wiped their ass

A total dick head

This man is a shitass

My friend is being a total shitass

by Pen15 69420 October 24, 2020


A popular meme where you are *Dream* and try to speedrun a thing in Minecraft and shitass beat you at it

You: Hey shitass wanna see me speedbridge fuckin noob
Shitass : 4-second speed bridge

You: You're bad You're bad

Speedbridges to you

by Tf2Player2018 November 17, 2020


Shitass; a slang term used during sex, where a person shits inside of someone else’s asshole as a substitute for a dildo.

My mom gave my dad a shitass last night, it was a pain to clean up.

by Lavendice January 5, 2021


Someone who is just overall annoying and disgusting

Ugh! Shitass! Why would you say that to me?”

by Shilsha November 22, 2018