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The meaning of someone one whose friend has a private joke with them because Brian means thunder cock

Wagwan my g Brian

by ARGHWTF May 13, 2019


the worst person you will ever meet. Likes shitty music like lucki and is over all a gross person. looks like pinnochio from shrek mixed with bbl drake. brian is bad.

“hey do you see that dude?”
“yeah hes such a brian

by willywonkasbudussyhair March 3, 2022


the best, you will often see him hanging out with introverts. he's never sexist, and will know if something is wrong. never let him go.

'imagine being friends with a brian, i wish it were me.'

by lixiesfreckles March 13, 2021


A man with a Long John Flounder Pounder Lip Dipper 360

Roommate: Where were you last night?
Me: Girl, I was at Brian’s

by captainCauldron January 30, 2025


Brian is a handsome guy with a long dick that would penetrate anybody’s daughter. Watch out for your girl around a Brian because they tend to be horny 24/7 and his big dick will strike.

Make sure you always keep a Brian for the winter

by Ghyiooisi239 November 23, 2021


loml, the one I'm going to marry someday

A: Do you know Brian?

B: Oh yeah, he's the one I'm going to marry someday.

by Gipfeldreieck 2367 January 11, 2025


A kind of athelete who will work out with heavy weights and consume large amounts of protein and steorids. Attempts to acheive a muscular and well-defined body.

Brian uses testosteron every day

by Samuel420 May 26, 2021