Daniel Johns
Daniel Paul Johns is an Australian musician, singer, and songwriter best known as the former frontman, guitarist, and main songwriter of the rock band Silverchair.
He is a Scoundrel who has been at odds with Batman, and most recently has been accused of breaking up the Beatles.
Daniel Johns AKA The Scoundrel fought valiantly against Batman when his font was stolen.
Daniel Johns has a super cute dog.
Do not anger at all cost, He is one of the worlds dangerous kid hacker
Call police when sighted
BEWARE Daniel Holland
a really hot character, from the series "morel Orel"
Person one: "Danielle stopframe is hot"
Person two: "get away from me"
A brown, curly, tall rat
That rat is a meme
A massive meme
What was that?
OMG, it’s a Daniel howell! Kill it!
Missing from the face of the planet. Will maybe upload again, maybe not. Who knows. But he's taking a break so good for him.
Person 1: Do you know where Daniel Howell is?
Person 2: I haven't heard that name in years..
A man named Daniel who is going crazy over something he lost.
Dude what are you talking about? You didn't lose anything. You're acting like a Delusional Daniel.
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