Source Code

text me

Comes from the UK fad of sending SMS messages via a mobile (cell) phone.

Text me when you leave work and I'll meet you.

by Andrew Taylor May 15, 2004

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Extreme Texting

a sport for those who have mastered the art blindly texting on a touch screen phone while violently seizing.

There are five different levels:
level 1. your average teenager
level 2. john wilkes booth
level 3. Jafar-the enemy of Aladdin
level 4. nazis
level 5. straight up inebriated irish drunkard at a pub at 3am about to slap his whorish wife (while texting on his phone

Phillip: This dude at the bar was flapping like a tuna fish out of water on the floor last night like he was having a seizure, but he had his phone is his hands!!!!!!!!!

Steve: Dude, that man is apart of the extreme texting team..............

by mcom7 January 9, 2010

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text splatter

Urine that inadvertently splatters on a guy's cellphone as he text messages while standing at and using the urinal.

1. Hey homie, wrap up that cellphone in a plastic cover to protect it from text splatter!

2. To avoid text splatter, try sending text messages while sitting on the crapper!

by DJ_Jagged August 26, 2009

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Trash Text

Trash Text is a form of boast or insult commonly read in competitive situations (such as sports events) communicated via cell phone text. The use of text as opposed to face-to-face trash talking has many advantages. For instance, one may say something in a text they normally wouldn't in person. Furthermore, it is brief, succinct, and avoids confrontation.

Person 1: When the Packers shit on the Vikings on Monday, Im gonna trash text Chris, he's a big Vikings fan.

Person 2: Cool.

by Sconny55 October 3, 2009

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Booty Texting

Texting after ten o'clock. Trying to hook up some booty.

Who you booty texting?
My ex-girlfriend

by Sozzles August 7, 2011

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Text Rape

Text rape is an extremely annoying occurrence in which someone (usually a lonely person with no friends) blows up your phone after you mistakenly gave them your number. The unlucky individual on the receiving end of the text rape made the grave mistake of being overly nice to the poor sap and will pay for it indefinitely.

Text rape also has another meaning. Your friends (or spammers) may send you countless texts consisting of random assortments of letters that, when pronounced, sound like rape.

Ex. 1)
Chris: "Looks like you have twelve unread messages from Scott."
Maddy: "Ah shit. I tried to be nice to him because he was sitting by himself but now he won't leave me alone!"

Ex. 2)
New Message: Fidnvjusdghjkdehjgnvebduwaosabv
Recipient: "Yep, I've been text raped."

by PsychicJellyfish November 25, 2013

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Bump and text

When you ignore a phone call and text the person back after a brief delay.

I was banging some hoe when my girlfriend called, so I did a bump and text and told her I didn't have good reception.

by Fozman2 December 9, 2011

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