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eating fist

Eating fist is the non nasty way of saying I suck did and I like it, unless you are younger than 9 or in a fight it's OK.

Man I like eating fist bro, how 'bout you ?

by Bitchdufuquwant March 1, 2016

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closed fist slap

A punch.

When bitches be tripping, you give them a closed fist slap.

by croppers July 31, 2011

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double monkey fist

the act of forcing both fists into anothers anus, causing a huge goatse hole after about 15 minutes of sustained anal penetration.

Last night she totally ave me the old double monkey fist routine!

by Sam Steine November 21, 2003

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Fistful of Man Dollars

A euphemism for masturbation. Dollars equate to a "wad of cash" or simply, a "wad". And having a fistful of such is to have a firm grip on your "wad", or to be in the act of resurrecting the one-eyed yogurt slinger.

After hours of watching erotic film, Terrence got a fistful of man dollars and then slipped into a sweet sleep.

by C.M.E. Barnard June 21, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

whiskey fist

I don't know, but it makes a squelching sound.

I was trying to say whitney fisk, but all I came up with was whiskey fist.

by Anonynimous September 8, 2006

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Gold Fist Yo

straight knock you dafuq out!

here comes the gold fist yo

by BumStatusYo December 4, 2018

Mr. Fist Bump

A derogatory term for a man or woman who is well liked by their teacher, usually the favorite student of the class; this is generally shown by the student and teacher fist bumping.

Person 1: Mr. Teacher really likes me!
Person 2: Shut up Mr. Fist Bump, no one likes you

by an386833 February 7, 2017