A Jew or Caucasian who promotes racism against Jews or Caucasians.
Brayden is a quiet kid but is lowkey considered cute to girls. He play video games to hide his depression/sadness and does decently in school.
Hey, look at Brayden Snow, hes lowkey kinda hot
Fine misting rain that floats in the air like snow. The closest South Texas gets to real snow.
Watch out for bad drivers on the way to Houston, it's Texas Snowing!
The homosexual act of jizzing on another man's beard followed by zig zaging your dick through it.
"I went snow bearding last night and I think there is some Spunk still in here
Snow tiffing is when you lie to your friends about being a clean sober person and over exaggerating everything you did to get clean but your actually a fucking coke head
You can tell that bitch is snow tiffing hard
To snort a line of cocaine, usually around the Holiday season.
Ex: Cadie and Jess did a lot of snow strips before the Christmas party.
Ex: Kids enjoy doing snow strips on snow days.