Tom Arne is the meaning of someone who are scared of FirstPrice bottles
Tom Arne was hit by a Firstprice bottle and is scared for life.
A Fucking Dick Head Of A Scare Crows Straw Penis With A Virgina For A Face.
He Can Only Lose His Virginity To A Tranny In A Gay Strip Club In Saudi Arabia On Mothers Day In 2069.
Another Name For This Retarded Specimen Is THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE.
He Also Has Autism As Well As Aids, HIV, Herpes, Gonorrhea(He Was Vorn With These STD's) And No Friends.
This Rare Form Of Obese Bum Sex Merchant Can Be Found Either Tied Up In His Parents Basement(Sex-Dungeon) Or In His Box On The Side Of Broadmore.
OMG!!!!! I Think I See A Tom Dunn Over There!?!(See's A Hobo With A Rat In His Ass)
to choke on vapour from a vape or e-cigarette.
I completely Tom Scotted a few minutes ago because of that funny bird video.
Oh, that's what to Tom Scott means.
The act involved in Tom foolaries
Dad-Yawl boys doin that Tom Foolaries today?
Son-No sir.not at all
Dad-Well i know good and well youns are.ya better take your Tom Trickaries summers else!
a very well dressed potato bear thing
omg i’m gonna marry tom bumpkin
"Oh he's pulled a Tom Classic."
A "Tom Classic" is what you say when someone has deserted at the worst possible time. E.g . They have gone AFK during a game or left mid-conversation.
A Tom Classic is essentially what you say when someone has left at the worst possible time.
It originates from Tom always deafening in Discord and going AFK during games at the worst possible times.
"Oh he's left-right as we needed him, he's pulled a Tom Classic."