Wanker Marching is when you march but your moving your right arm with right leg and left leg with your left arm. this activity is well known with Army Cadets.
"Look at those army cadets they are Wanker Marching!"
A word you say after seeing a Nissan Skyline
"Yo dude i saw a cool skyline driving by!"
"Baul Wanker"
Refers to a twat with zero football knowledge, usually a plastic fan and glory hunter who supports Real madrid but isn't even spanish
Whats his opinion on that player ?
doesn't matter, hes a hala wanker
Did you see that insane match between burnley and aston villa ?
Of course not mate i'm a hala wanker
Kunai wanker refers to person who plays Wraith in the Apex Legends 24/7 and does have kunai heirloom. Once rare item, nowadays used as an identifier of a wanker.
Freddy: Look at this kunai wanker in our team.
Johnny: Oh god, he will be totally useless again. RIP the ranked points.
One commonly used name for widowmaker.
This Shadow Wanker can go fuck herself!
A person that just HAS TO HAVE ALL their tech products branded apple
Johnny is such an orchard wanker
A person that HAS TO HAVE all their tech products branded Apple
Johnny is such an orchard wanker