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The one I have with your mom, and the one I have with your dad

Person A: Are you a man or a woman?
Person B: Yes
Person A: Okay, what’s your sex?
Person B: What do you mean?
Person A: No I mean like, what’s in your pants?
Person B: Poop?
Person A: No, what’s between your legs?
Person B: Which one, your mom or your dad?

by yourmomdotcom420 November 12, 2021


A Gender

When The Man Signed A Slip It Asked For His Sex

by nick torres August 5, 2017


This is just like normal sex but with differences. It is also known as Arabian sex which is way faster and more elegant in movement. It is also very quick and the male partner uses dance moves as a cum ritual

Yo Felix did you have sexs last week?

Wtf Alex!?

by Alxdusty December 1, 2020


Sex is sensation

Caused my temptation

The boy enters his destination

Into the girls location

Do you understand my explanation??
If you don’t want a demonstration?

Girl: Do you want to sex

Boy: Ok

by Shushyoushmuck January 27, 2021


To put your penis into vagina

SAKSHAM did sex with gia

by Himansh February 7, 2018


when people suck dick and suc tits

selene: wanna have sex?

eight grader: sure

by Bl33d_infinite October 11, 2023


What the fuck do you think it means? Go ask your parents dumbass.

Joe : hey Sally let's have sex!
Sally : but you're my brother!

by Sally's Brother March 26, 2018