Source Code

Ryan’s Chode

Young hairy Irish Code. At least 30 inches wide and a maximum of 2 inches long. Wrapped with filthy foreskin. Never meant to be used.

What is that thing?! It looks like Ryan’s Chode! Yuck!

by Jeremy Wegner May 3, 2023

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chode brush

A long handled brush usually used to wash one's back that is used to scrub the chode when the arms can't reach.

Fred had such little arms, he had to scrub with a chode brush.

by Sparkle75 November 9, 2007

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chode pancakes

A small, fat pancake

The blonde Lunch lady at our school serves Chode Pancakes

by Mike Masse June 5, 2006

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chode pencil

a short pencil, given out for free and resembing a chode.

I'll distribute chode pencils so that you can fill out your instructor evaluations.

Hand me a chode pencil so that I can fill out my scorecard on the front nine.

by Ryan Runge February 8, 2006

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chode slapper

it is when gay man are having sex and the top's balls are bouncing against the bottoms chode. It is a term used for gay men.

Warren is such a chode slapper. He pounded Steve's ass last night.

by Teabagette April 14, 2005

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One who gobbles the chode.

My friend bill is achode-goblin

by Steve August 11, 2003

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chodes malone

a random nickname used on people.

"Hey chodes malone, wanna smack the cock"

by sacksmack February 17, 2004

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