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clown dick

Getting some from a chick who wears too much makeup.

"tell your mom to stop changing her lipstick, my dick is starting to look like a clown"

by Blacbeard July 11, 2005

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Down Clown

A term used to describe someone with down syndrome

That Down Clown sure loves the other special eds!

by antkillz September 27, 2017

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clown loach

A really cool fish. They are bottom eaters and they clean your gravel for you by eating the stuff on the bottom. I have had them in the past and thought they were cool.

I like clown loaches and a number of other fish

by lunar shadows October 30, 2004

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Tranny Clown

A girl who wears so much makeup she looks like a drag queen and a clown.

Christina Aguilera looks like a tranny clown with all that makeup on.

by iseepinkelefants April 14, 2009

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ass clown

Someone who wastes the time of two or more people due to their inability to see what is obvious to the other two.

Joe just didnt get it, what an ass clown.

by Craid Smash July 12, 2003

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Clown Nuts

Testicles colored like a clown's face after sex with a menstruating women. "Clown Face," but on your nuts.

After banging Mary Jane Rotten Crotch, I looked down and realized that I had Clown Nuts. "So that was why she was crunchy! I thought she had some dengue-fever, twat clot vagina."

by pfc. snowball May 11, 2011

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Bozo the Clown

When a guy bends a naked woman over and sticks his nose in her asshole and yells, "Look everybody! I'm Bozo the Clown," as he hums the circus theme song, "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da!"

My boyfriend always makes me laugh when he bends me over that kitchen table when he's on his unicycle and performs one of them Bozo the Clowns!

by CherytheShitShow July 27, 2009

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