It's a name used by a man/ boy head leader of the G.O.U gang and he is a lover not a
heart breaker. A very nice person and chill dude just don't get on the bad side or face the consequences. Don't know how to hold money for his life. Love his family and friends more then anything in the world. He would end the world for his friends and family and the girl he in love with and his kids. ⁹⁰⁹ MABJ07
Mario Breedlove has a thing for S. And $
An hour created by albert where a crazed man turns everyone into floating mario heads, most of the time being at 3 am, the person is extremely aggressive and should not be approached AT ANY COST.
ah shit man, its almost Mario hour.
When Nintendo starts running out of ideas for Mario games.
It started out with a plumber trying to save a princess
"Goofy ahh Elephant Mario"
Verb (past tense): To have an incredible 1st place lead while playing Mario Kart Wii. Then getting comboed by almost every single power up by other racers in the game and (possibly) falling off the map. Effectively putting you so far behind that you have no chance of getting back to first, as well as ruining your day.
Man 1: Hey buddy you look rough, what happened?
Man 2: I don't even know, I was in first, but then a bolt, red shells, oh god so many shells. The eternal out-of-bounds abyss beckons to me!
Man 1: NO! don't tell me you got-
Man 2: Yes... I got Mario Kart'd.
Getting absolutely pwnd in a Video Game.
I'm getting absolutely Mario Kart'd by this guy named stinkypoo in Mario Kart.
Lilian and Marios is the best couple. They want each other and they are twin flames. Marios wants Lilian af so he does anything for her. Lilian need mario in her life more than everything. They will be together forever<333333
-ikr it’s because they are Lilian and Marios
Person 1: Hey, are you a pick up artist?
Person 2: Uhh...yeah.
Person 1: Good...I will call you Mario López Estrada.