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Flower Mound cross country

A large group of people that enjoy nothing more more than to wear no clothes and run into the sunset touching each other all the way. They let there butt checks hang in the wind and have complete disregard for the gender and government rules. Everyone that sees them is blinded by the sheer amount of white slightly jogging or pacing near them. People can’t tell if they just don’t have cars (impossible because flower is basically Disney land) or are just mentally insane (One cross country member jumped into a trash can full of water and soap completely naked only to be thrown into the floor in front of the coach) These people are one of the only group at flower mounds that are actually good, but it didn’t even count because nobody cares about them. Rest in piss.

Oh the Flower Mound cross country is coming, I better lock my doors and bleach my porch

by Yyyyyytfhy September 26, 2021

double crossing no life bitch

When your Bestfriend dates your crush and she/he knows god damn well you Like that person

This double crossing no life bitch took my man from me ;-;

by IGotCheatedOn;-; February 10, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Animal Crossing New Horizons

The one thing keeping us sane in 2020. I dunno why you looked this up. What were you looking for

β€œI’ve been playing a lot of Animal Crossing New Horizons on my switch lately! It’s really fun!”

by Fat loser with no friends June 13, 2020

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Cross Canadian Ragweed

A band from Canada. All members are Canadian.

Hey, We're from Canada ay? -Cross Canadian Ragweed

by ReallyLegitName May 9, 2011

4πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Double-Cross

When your best friend fucks your girlfriend/wife, but you're ok with that and stay friends with both of them

-Did you know that Jack fucked Adam's girlfriend? Best part is, Adam still hang out with them.
-A classic canadian double-cross... What a cuck!

by helghaasst December 10, 2017

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cross ass to mouth pollination

Perfroming anal sex with one female then receiving oral sex from another female right after without washing off.

Man last night i took those 2 girls from the bar home and did some cross ass to mouth pollination.

by aj2893 December 20, 2006

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Holy Cross High School

A piece of shit private school in Waterbury, CT that is full of either stuck-up rich pussies or kids who are only there because their parents make them. The kids there think that they're hardcore for smoking weed once or twice a year, and have no idea about anything crazier than getting drunk.

Holy Cross High School Kid: Hey, I'm really cool. Last year, i stole one of my parents beer cans and me and 5 of my friends got so wasted.

Normal Kid: You're actually a fucking pussy.

by x BL0WiNL04DZ x December 23, 2009

50πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž