When you have eaten too much Mexican food resulting in an upset stomach.
"I can't believe I ate all of that! Im gonna be on the toilet all damn night. My guts have got Burrito Defeato..."
Receiving oral pleasure from a member of the latinx community.
"Bro I bagged this Mexican bitch and she gave maaaaad burrito brain."
The owner of a beefy little penis
Have you seen Jamie’s chode, he’s quite the Burrito Man
a fucking fat person who is like a burrito
Bryan: OI, did you see the teacher?
Nicholas: Yeah, he's a burrito man
Bryan: Damn right!
Is when you slap the ham for an hour and toast your buns until they are gold and brown and make sure that you toss your salad and beat your meat till fully cooked and add all spices and everything nice and finally top it off with sauces to make a creamy SURPISE that is going to be fucking mess to clean up later but should stop munchies after a good time
Hey man I’m hungry man let’s make a burrito sandwich
Hell yeah but the last time didn’t end well
When you are deciding rather you want a burrito or a sandwich so you gather all the ingredients for a sandwich and a burrito to where you make a huge fucking mess that you have to clean up later
Hey David I’m kind of hungry I’m going to make a burrito sandwich
Grant what the fuck is a burrito sandwich ?
After the very first time you kiss someone, you move directly into 69
I can't believe they birchy burritod on the first date!!