An entitled middle-aged woman who uses her privilege to help disadvantaged people or "woke" causes.
At the town board meeting, Cynthia became such a Karen Brockovich about the lack of bike lanes in the downtown area that the board unanimously voted to implement them immediately.
an angry person and an ass who everyone hates and doesn't like and she is an asshole and a fuck wite
is there a Karen Morgan in here because there is someone angry
The Holiday
It’s Complicated
Valentine’s Day
He’s Just Not That Into You
40 Dresses
PS I Love You
You get the idea
Susan: Omg Let’s go get day drunk on Riesling and yell at some minimum wage workers and crash our SUV’s. Then we can go on a Facebook rant about 5G and vaccines and watch The Family Stone.
Karen: always down for a marathon of Karen Porn, Fuck yeah, I’m in!
a "card" used almost exclusively by enforcement figures (typically a fandom wiki admin or a discord server moderator) as an excuse to not bring a superior into a situation and to dodge potential punishments, people who use this card usually don't know the exact definition of a karen, nor what qualifies someone to be a karen
moderator: !ban @user being a karen
other user: you're fr gonna play the karen card?! I'm gonna contact an admin regarding this!
admin: *clicks moderator's name* *removes role*
When your dick has been wanked too hard and it feels like your dick has been ripped off!! Possibly by someone called Karen.... basically your Carrying your Penis.... Karen (to carry) Wilson (Penis)
I saw Karen the other night.... we had a nice time but after I had a Karen Wilson!!
When you take a problematic female less seriously because of institutionalized sexism, assuming she has no real power though she directly or indirectly benefits from (usualluy white) privilege. With prolonged exposure, the sheer force of empathy will erode your sense of self and you will start to rationalize Karen antics. Exacerbated by mental illness, attractiveness, vacillating from self-deprecation to self-aggrandizement, and irony poisoning.
"I know she says problematic things but her absurd takes make me lmao."
"Just be careful you don't get possessed by a Karen."
The "Desi Karen", also known as the "Desi Auntie" by the natives of the Indian subcontinent, is the final evolution of the females of the Desi-ous Human-ous species.
Common way to recognize a "Desi Karen" are by constantly judgmental stares, comparing their children to you (typically in ways that insult their own children), trying to set up random people with their children (a bit rarer though), gossiping, watching dramas, making small thing big deals, and yelling a lot.
The prerequisites for being known as a so-called "Desi Karen" are fluid and not set in stone. Generally, however, they have a few generally accepted requirements.
1. They be at least 30 years old. This is because for most Desis, to become an auntie you need at least 30 years of life experience to piss you off enough to evolve. However, there are exceptions, as there have been cases of Desis becoming Aunties in under 20 years.
2. They have to be women. This one is a given, a Desi man that fits all the above traits in paragraph 2 is just an uncle trying to be hip or something.
3. They have to be Desi. Duh.
"Wow, all my Mom's friends are SUCH Desi Karens!"