Source Code

the best thing since sliced bread

a person says this to show how one apprieciates the other person or object; to show how much they like the person or object.

Chad-"Damn! Yo da best thing since sliced bread honey!"
Betty- "Give me yo numba and u will c the second best thing since sliced bread"


Tony- Wow! this video game is the best thing since sliced bread!

by --katy- June 20, 2006

92πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

taking things too far

in the face of authority and when things are set out to burke, a peter will go that extra bit over the top.

in the face of an order, will cause a ruckoss on a stern moral ground and to the point of self destruction, will most definately engage in taking things too far.

by Martin Kelly February 16, 2007

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Explicit things found in Disney movies

Aladdin: before "A Whole New World" Aladdin asks Jasmine if she wants to go on a carpet ride, Rajah the tiger attacks him and he whispers "Good teens take off their clothes"

The Little Mermaid: (1) When TLM was first put out on video in 1990, a penis can be seen on a pillar-type pole on the castle.
(2) During Eric and Vanessa's wedding sequence, the minister appears like he has an erection.

The Rescuers: For a few frames, a photograph of a topless woman can be seen in a window.

The Lion King: After "Hakuna Matata", once Simba lies down at night, the dust cloud going by spells out 'sex'

Who Framed Roger Rabbit: (1) For a few frames, Jessica Rabbit can be seen with her dress blown up with no underwear
(2) Donald Duck calls Daffy Duck a racial slur (I don't want to say it on the site, even though it's on here a lot)

information from: www.snopes.com (the disney section)

by Gwen Stefani Grrl June 21, 2004

74πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

I need to think about things

Your boyfriend is gonna break up with you.

Guy: I dunno, I need to think about things

Translation: I'm gonna break your heart

by Trista March 25, 2004

45πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Things you should never google

Things that most people Google anyway, or find comment that explains all these things and you realize why you shouldn't Google them or Google them and stay scared for life

Video: these are things you should never google
Me: Google it anyway
Me 10 minutes later: I SHOULDN'T DONE THAT

by Legend 18 12 October 21, 2023

Crazy little thing called love

A song by the legendary band Queen. It’s a bop. Go listen to it. Now.

Lad 1: Have you listened to the song Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen?

Lad 2: Yes I did! It was a total banger.

by randompersonhelpingyouout May 11, 2019

the very last thing I'll forget

1. I could not care less.

2. I don't give a $#!7.

3. I really don't care.

TV Baby : Did you hear about (insert name of least favourite untalented Hollywood twitterati)?

Kid Kerouac : No, not just, yet. I'm sure it'll be the very last thing I'll forget. Wait though, I'm just gonna check on the bicycles; you can tell me when I get back. (Disappears forever)

by Guru Voodoo October 18, 2010