Any action taken by a person looking to have a relationship with another person, that effectively ruins their own chances of having said relationship
Guy 1: "So I was really into this girl, but when I walked up and kissed her on the cheek, she freaked out."
Guy 2: "Way to go man! Talk about Sinking Your Own Battleship!"
Not sit down and watch the work progress instead of contributing yourself to the work and being an equal member of the group.
When you work on a group project it is is important to pull your own weight
A person who believes they have a big dick or twat while projecting a false reality of grandeur or self-importance on to others.
Some people are a legend in their own pants because they tell people they live the high life while living in a dump.
When something backfires; when you forget a prank you did and it happens to you.
"Alas! I've been hung by my own noose!" Said Angle after she turned her sister's hairdryer on, forgetting she put flour in it previously and ended up looking like a fool.
Oh! So you DO know that I did the thing I'm saying a did. Good. That means you know I'm better than you and you're fully aware of your place beneath me. Fantastic. That's exactly how I want you to feel. Inferior. Because you ARE that.
Hym " 'You don't own it' he says. So, people don't own the contents of their own minds. Fantastic. That's going to work out great for everyone."
A festival of ownage that happens to take place in the year 2006.
Josh and Jordan played a few games Dead or Alive 4 for X-box 360. After Josh beat Jordan relentlesly he declared it "Own Fest 06'"
Hide my own eggs
A saying one would use to describe themselves as mentally incompetent in the moment, or for a duration of time.