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Cookie Whore

A cookie whore is a person who cant be trusted with any cake or chocolate. Be wary of those called katie, they get vicious! cookie Stealing

Guy 1: hey wheres my fucking cookie!
Guy 2: keep your voice down we all know katie's a cookie whore!

by mortalperil July 10, 2010

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cake and cookie

Cake - Ass

Cookie - Pussy

Freaky ass nigga eat the cake and cookie

by Syuxker March 3, 2016

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Cookie Coma

n. The sugar-fueled diabetic sleep that results after wolfing down more cookies than you feel your body SHOULD be able to take. Possible side effects could mean waking up in a dough dump; n. The Cocaine-induced high you may find yourself in when the world just sort of slips away and 24 hours later, you are unable to even remember if you were tripping balls or not.

1. My 100 hour cookie coma was so wonderful! I'm even forced to live on insulin due to my binge-ful eating! hoorah!

2. "Where.... wh, whaa.....Who/Where/What/When/Why the Fuck am I?"

by Grammar_Freak_17 April 12, 2008

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slow cookie

Someone who is slow. not quick at understanding things. Like when u bake some cookies theres always one u got to put back to continue to let it cook.

Mane, u a slow cookie.

by Tiffany H. October 23, 2006

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Baked Cookies

The act of getting high and watching porn on the internet for a long period of time.

Dude, Chad and I baked cookies last night on my girlfriends computer, it was chill.

by effinbrian March 11, 2011

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purple cookie

When Mr. Sibal fucks Tomm's ass to get his grade up

Hey Mr, Sibal, could i please get my grade up by getting purple cookie from you?

by daddy duran May 14, 2018

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oatmeal cookies

a street name for oxycontin when your talking on the phone next to your mom

BOB: hey the backer is in town with some cookies

BILL: what kind of cookies

BOB: Oatmeal Cookies

by S.O.H.O.N. March 15, 2008

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