Tree Hugger from Africa.
The Giraffe lover killed several hundred poachers
The smartest people in the world so they always get a big thumbs up.
Me: I am one of the many alpaca lovers.
My mother: wth
Chrysler Lover means partaking in raping minors and anal sex with your neighbor
Hey Kade Let’s have A Chrysler Lover party
When a blood bitch fucks a crip she is referred to as a crossie lover
Fuck her she ain't from the hood she's a crossie lover
A derogatory term for a person (human) who loves and/or has sexual relations with (a) Cylon(s)
"(Mumbling furiously) God damn toaster lover!"
~ "Chief" Galen Tyrol, Battlestar Galactica Season 2 episode 9, while engaged in bloody fisticuffs with Karl "Helo" Agathon
A dick seeking the love of a vagina, aka monkey.
1. This one eyed monkey lover is hungry for some action.
2. My one eyed monkey lover is pointing your direction.
A big fat moron who deserves to get his dick chopped which is also known as CAT_BOOO and also his grandmother always gets butt sucked by 56 chimpanzees dressed as the fucking wiggles
SHUT UP YOU Dumb stupid fat ass kid lover BITCH CAT_BOOO