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Itchy Arm Syndrome

when clint bowyer spingate moments like how clint bowyer spotter went like "you got itcehy arm clint???" and then clint said "ye" and then he spun?!!??!!?!!??!?!?

Look! Theres Ricky Stenhouse with Itchy Arm Syndrome!

by OriginalName the Pyro Main September 3, 2023

Toledo Syndrome

An all too common syndrome that the people of Toledo, Ohio suffer from. Symptoms include no sense of style, a hunchback, shitty haircut, low ambition, working a factory job, being overweight and/or ugly, poor grammar/pronunciation despite education, idolizing the lifestyle of rappers however unable to live it, using pills, criticizing drug use that is not marijuana, psychedelics, or pharmaceuticals, favoring college football, no social ability or skills, conceiving children before or soon after graduating high school, soundcloud rapping, simping, resenting anyone who has self-respect, and lastly, takes no responsibility.

Example 1: “I wear a fucking suit and tie to Grandma Parsley’s funeral and the entire Mulcher family starts to think I’m rich! These idiots have Toledo Syndrome.”

Example 2: “I hung out at that dude Kevin’s house. Place is a fucking mess, whole house smells of shit and everyone’s high off their ass from LSD and Joey’s doped out on a perc. I decide to do a line of coke and suddenly I’m a junkie!”

by Tommy&Ricky July 24, 2021

Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome (TDSDS)

When someone immediately counters criticism of Donald Trump by accusing the person of having TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

1: I think it's bad that Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election. He should not have done that.

2: You literally have TDS!

1: Well you have Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome (TDSDS), you accuse me of having TDS every time i criticize Trump.

by Solheim July 6, 2024

4👍 2👎

The Anun Syndrome

A syndrome where you loose all interest in studying and want to drop or smt idk

Written by the combined force of MNUMS E109 Gang

OH no Nandia just diagnosed with the Anun Syndrome

by Barker the Wise February 15, 2023

Left-leg syndrome

The uncontrollable need to sneak into your neighbors garden to sniff their grass and steal their cat food to feed your gorilla.

My name is Darrel and I have been diagnosed with left-leg syndrome.”

by Normal people other than Chloe February 10, 2019

MCPH Syndrome

Main Entry: M·C·P·H syn·drome
Pronunciation: Em-C-Pee-H sin-drome (whatever!)
Function: noun
Etymology: Mimiribian tribe, Lambnation, Joppetic code
1 : a group of signs and symptoms of getting out of the topic that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition
2 : a set of concurrent things with regard to the discussion of the topic (as emotions or actions) that usually form an identifiable pattern, such that posters are getting out of hand.
3 : a phenomenon that is indicated by Mariah's TOPIC ALERT!
4 : an infection that is highly contagious.

One of the non-curable diseases that concerns the human race is the MCPH syndrome.

by Lambworld December 11, 2006