Source Code

Cool thing

what you say when you are
1.)being sarcastic and really hate something
2.)something is not true
3.)someone says something stupid and pointless

"Cool thing to wear your shirt inside out."
"cool thing to give me an F on my paper"

by bethster October 25, 2006

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Cool Pretzel

Something infinitely cool or awesome.

Also can be referred to as "Crepzel".

Dodo- I won that drawing competition on the weekend.
Flay- Cool Pretzel mate!

Temple_of_pwn_1337- "Hey dude I taught myself how to play the recorder with my nose"
dragon_slayer- "That's pretty crepzal!"

by _addles_ May 7, 2009

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cool guy

Gamer. The exact opposite of a chad yet resonates the same energy of dominance and masculinity.

Damn, Alex is such a cool guy. He 100% completed Breath of the Wild!

by AutistAuto70 September 13, 2020

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cool freaks

cool freaks- people who are the heart of the party and are funny and have a sense of humor without cool freaks this world would be to serious

cool freaks- matt, haley, anthony, denin, lizz

by cool freak December 19, 2010

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Proxy Cool

When a person or persons stand near another 'cool' group in order to make others think they are, in fact, cool themselves.

(Person A) Is that Sheilla over there with Mark? He's fucking cool, wonder what she's doing there?

(Person B) Nah, she's just standing near them - she's only proxy cool.

(Person A) What a sad bitch.

by The Boy Chris September 10, 2008

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cool beans

awesome, neat, okay, all right, far out, groovy, etc.
(i think i heard this before, but no one else i know remembers it. i don't think i made it up, but i'll gladly take credit. it can get annoying if overused i realize - which i have a tendancy to do...)

person 1: i'm going to the game this saturday.
person 2: cool beans.
person 3: i scored tickets to the ___________ show for half price.
person 1: Cool Beans!

by Susan Ryan October 7, 2007

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ceo of cool

The finite leader of dork squad, he is payed in millions of cool points per second. Promoted to leader because the rest of dork squad is made of hobags and sloptarts.

The CEO of Cool just faxed a memo, hernandez' official last name is hobag.

by CEO of Cool May 1, 2008

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