Joseph is from the hood who is always struggling to make it out because he is flexing and finessing till he make it to the top. Joseph would make potato’s out of the microwave to survive because struggle is temporary. Joseph would grind on modern warfare III with his best duo in the world riley and Riley always carried Joseph because he is better than Joseph. Joseph thinks it’s so crazy when he loves a lady because she plays games and it makes him wonder if he kills he would it be the same. Joseph don’t like Alex cz Alex sister stink so Joseph sister never kissed her.
Joseph wanna hop on modern warfare III and grind camos
he is a loser no one likes him he is ugly and stupid i would know this because my name is joseph
random kid hey loser
Joseph what
random kid you suck
Amazing guy in History that is a Top 10 sniper and strategist, He plays risk universalis and he has a girlfriend that is out of state
Joseph is a great strategist at Georgia
Girl: “hel-“
Joseph: “ hEy dId YoU sEe tHe New FoRtnIte upDaTe?”
Joseph is funny with a good personality. He acts dumb sometimes, but everyone thinks it is funny. He will get mad at you if he hears a rumor about you, but he will always forgive you. Joseph is very trustworthy.
Joseph is a homie.