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Mexican Pile

A mound of vomit, composed primarily of Jose Cuervo and taquitos deposited outside after an imprudent, Latin-themed night on the town.

“Dude, I think I overdid it last night at Aztec Willy’s Friday Fiesta night.“
“Yeah man, I saw your Mexican pile on the lawn.”

by Neologistas January 30, 2010

17👍 9👎

Mexican Pirate

When a woman is giving you head pull out before ejaculation and blow your load in her eye. Then kick her in the shin. After completing those 2 tasks you have gave a women the pirate. Once you have managed to get her to hop around like a pirate, you must then push her down a flight of stairs.

After performing a mexican pirate on his g/f, jimmy had a hell of time trying to explain to the doctor why she had a bruised shin, a broken arm, and skeet on her face.

by imacracker February 6, 2009

17👍 9👎

White Mexican

A similar drink to a White Russian (vodka, coffee liqueur and cream) only Horchata is substituted for the cream.

"Hey bartender, pour me a White Mexican".

by bkdeux September 10, 2009

97👍 74👎

Mexican Halloween

A Mexican Halloween is a sexual act. It occurs when a man is having sex with a woman from behind and upon ejaculation, he opens up a can of chili con carne he had hidden earlier, and throws the contents of the can onto the woman's back.

Note: The chili con carne can sometimes be replaced with salsa sauce.

1: Why are you late?

2: I'm sorry, my boyfriend Mexican Halloweened me and I had to clean my back. Some even got on my bed.

by The Messy Mexican Avenger December 19, 2011

383👍 309👎

Ghetto Mexican

The variety of Spanish spoken by Mexican-American immigrants in the United States, characterized by horrendous grammar, excessive slang, and random outbursts in Spanglish.

I thought my high shcool Spanish courses would prepare me for ordering at Chipotle, but they all spoke ghetto Mexican!

by RoosterRooster November 5, 2010

34👍 19👎

Mexican pussy

A pussy so loose you could smuggle things in it

Person 1: I've got a bunch of contraband that needs to be stored. The thing is that I have no idea of where to store it.

Person 2: Well my wife has a Mexican pussy. It's so loose that you could store all of that shit without anybody noticing.

Person 1: Awesome sauce!

by Steve September 8, 2006

149👍 119👎

mexican fox

To tuck your penis inbetween your legs and "piss like a cat" either on a lady's face or her vagina

catpiss mexican fox mexicanfox

by toast1987 February 26, 2010

8👍 3👎