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Cookie Monster

The most aggressive form of eating. (Verb)

1. To demolish any type of edible item in an enthusiastic and violent fashion.

2. Displaying the utmost excitement and appetite for any form of sexual activity.

"When those cookies are finished baking, I'm going to cookie monster that shit!"

"I'm so hungry, I could cookie monster a horse!"

"Dude, that chick is so hot, I want to cookie monster her ass!"

"Her pussy was so sweet, I cookie monstered it for hours."

by knight_sliver August 10, 2014

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Pineapple Monster

A pineapple monster is a fictional creature that will nom internet connections, and kill several people in the process. Pineaple monsters can be found any place that has a terrible internet connection. They also enjoy sunny days, yellow jellybeans, and classic VW bugs.

Be careful! You're internet connection could be next!

Kid 1: "Yesterday i was on the computer and my internet dropped!!"

Kid 2: "sounds like you've got yourself a pineapple monster."

Kid 1: "NNNNNOOOOO!!!"

by crazygirl! June 20, 2009

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Derpanchy Monster

A term used for a duo of drunken fools who hit bars like tornadoes hit Oklahoma.

Oh my god, the Derpanchy Monster just walked in the door. Hide yo wives, hide yo keeds -- just feed them copious amounts of booze and let's hope they leave the bar in one piece.

by Sleezy D-Wreck December 22, 2011

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Penis Monster

a monster that lives in Alabama who has a penis for a face he seeks children in the night to deep throat them so hard that they choke

I went downstairs and saw the penis monster

by ftfyghunjinhbygvutfcrdyfvgybhk June 2, 2020

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Money monster

Women who use men

Think twice about her, she's a money monster

by Acwao32 October 18, 2018

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Monster Smash

Fucking on Halloween in a graveyard

"Donny, me and Cat did the Monster Smash last night."
"No way bro! Isn't your grandma in that graveyard?"
"Yeah, but that didn't stop me. Candy was everywhere."

by Sush God October 12, 2016

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Cuck Monster

The act of letting any man bang your old lady and you collect all the cum with your mouth.

Carl Kluge is such a fuckin cuck monster

by Ravish12 December 9, 2017

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