Catching the couch is when you smoke weed, then fall asleep
- Is Brian the next one?
- No, he Caught the couch...
- Well, only the weak catching the couch
- True shit dude, pass the boof
People who like to have sex with couches.
J.D. Vance is a couch humper.
Did you hear Trump made that fucking hypocrite couch humper his running mate? Yeah I hope he’s prepared himself for the MAGA mob to pull him up on a noose.
A couch guru is an individual who lives on your couch and provides nuggets of wisdom, advice, and the dankest weed hook-ups. The couch guru sustains themselves by consuming Mountain Dew, Doritos and porn. Example: the guy on the couch from Half Baked.
My couch guru hooked me up with a new water bong and advised me on how to fix my relationship with my father.
what you wish you were
couch potato cat is the cats meow
The man who has always got yo couch. You walk in, and bam! he's already got yo couch. Just unfortunate, buddy. Don't ask him if he's also got yo crouch - he's got a wicked crouch. Very nasty to behold.
Person A: Oh jeez. Jerry's got yo couch again, Person B.
Person B: At least he ain't go my crouch-
Jerry: GOT YO CROUCH (crouches enthusiastically)
Person A: He got you, bro.
Person B: (stunned and speechless)