when you run REALLY fast and somehow run into someone's gf and destroy their relationship. (metaphorically)
a-train: "I can't stop.. I can't stop.. I CAN'T STOP!"
some random guy idk: "robin? ro-robin? ROOOOBIIINNNN!"
"man that guy was on a-train status dude"
"yeah dude he was going ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM"
The defiant girl statue is a statue on Wall Street. She is defiant because she is staring down the Charging Bull. In a recent incident, some poop eater in a business suite was photographed while humping the defiant girl. The picture went viral.
The defiant girl statue actually misrepresents the meaning of the charging bull.
A person who whenever something happens during the Super Bowl they create a status about it.
Usually pertaining to the Half-time show or Good play concerning their team of choice.
It's all these Super Status-ers trying to prove their point.
-When you have a Keyboard Warrior among you saying a lot of F**k Boy stuff on a social media platform.
(ex: What the f**k is this Peen Ass Status.)
(ex: why did that F**k boy make a Peen Status.)
An abbreviation for nothing comming.
Stupid x-boyfriend: So, does that mean we can have a threesome?
Me: No the fuck it doesn't asshole, you're on n/c status.
The Pretzel Statue is a position used during sexual intercourse between two males, usually one will have his ass pointed to the ceiling with the highest hopes of getting climaxed in the anal sphinter. The other male will be faced horizontal with his genitals in the other males anal hole and will be aggressively pounding the hole.
Me and my buddy did the Pretzel Statue last week.
Post Trump President who's not going to change anything
I voted for Status quo Joe