die; pass away; go to sleep.
more often used in portuguese: "bater as botas"
hey bro its getting late
- you're right, im gonna beat my boots now, goodnight
night bro
hey i haven't seen your granpa in a while
-yeah he beat the boots...
oh shit man im sorry
Music that you hear while on the bus that comes from other peoples loud headphones. they supply the music to people who don't have their music cranked.
I didn't have my ipod today so I just listened to the Bus Beats from the guy sitting across from me.
A hip hop / trap beat that is so dirty it will throw you back to Prehistory and make you bounce like a neanderthal.
Mate I'm diggin that primitive beat
Used by Infantry Marines, a almost direct synonym for "beat the shit", commonly used in relation to physically assaulting another member of your platoon; usually a buddy.
Ex. Marine #1: Hey, is that a picture of your girl? She's hot! Have her call me if she ever gets lonely.
Marine #2: Shut up before I beat the mess out of you, Kid!
Cyanide Beats is a beat artist, found primarily on Spotify and Apple Music.
CYANIDE BEATS ON REPEAT! linktr.ee/cyanide_beats