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Jake Paul

The definition of a retarded dipshit

Dickie:'Hey bro i aint givin you the money i owe you'
Jackie:'Dont be such a Jake Paul and give me at least half of the money ya owe me'.

by TotallyNotALongNameWastingTime November 11, 2018

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Jake Paul

Another word for the garbage/trash.

Person: Hey can you throw out the jake paul

Another person: ugh fine

by 1800iloveshawnmendesandtรธp August 24, 2018

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Jake Paul

A devastating mental illness that has infected thousands of young kids, and has no cure. Symptoms include: Dabbing on dem haters, thinking you can rap, ruining neighborhoods in Hollywood, attempting to compete with your brother who is a better blogger, and lastly... being an overall cunt.

Doctor: The results came it....... They are positive, you have Jake Paul
Doctor to parents: This is the worst case I've seen, we are going to have to put him down.

by MarineOne November 14, 2017

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Jake paul

Worst man ever alive. Fakest dude on the internet. Faker than Niki's boobs. NO LIFE

Did you see Jake's new video!
Yeah, then I went to the doctor and he said that video gave me jake cancer. 70% of the people that watch him get this cancer. Jake Paul means that he will give you a type 100000 cancer

by Logang_4_Life_Jake_Paul_Sucks December 6, 2017

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Ru Pauls

Saggy tits that drag along the floor, like Ru Paul.

Oh my God, look at her! She's got a couple of Ru Pauls on her chest.

by TheOX5Leader March 17, 2020

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Paul McBain

A man who eats roast dinners everyday (but not a Friday) and who stalks 14 year old twitch streamers.

Thatโ€™s definitely a Paul Mcbain

by Paul mcbain May 26, 2021

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paul chode

Paul dickey

omf ur suc H a Paul chode ass fucker !!

by maria/sierra suck dick May 26, 2016

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