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dumb thumb down

A contributor or lurker who, out of envy, spite or misplaced rectitude, combs through another contributor's list of words in order to deliberately give each one a "Down" thumb without considering any potential usefulness such words might have.

-- "Santa Claus? I don't get it, Kurt, who is against Santa Claus?"

-- "Poor ol' Burt, it looks like you've been the victim of the dumb thumb down. Check out your other entries to see if you got flamed there, too."

by al-in-chgo August 23, 2011

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heads down thumbs up

1. Game played in the classroom.

2. Describes the posture of people sending SMS's, tweets, emails, facebook status, ebay, blogs etc.

3. A good way to miss your turn-off, walk into someone or have a crash

John: Hey Lisa, check out Jeff...
Lisa: Yeah, he's breaking up with Kate...he's been heads down thumbs up all day

John: Hey Lisa, what's with the heads down thumbs up?
Lisa: oh, I'm tweeting how lame my friends are...

by spizzy_21 October 9, 2010

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stick out like a sore thumb

To be easily noticed. To have something obvious going on.

Jane: Do you think i should put on my multi colored hat & gown?

John: No i don't. You're just gonna stick out like a sore thumb.

by mehcee March 29, 2014

Mind Bending Thumb Bending

A seminal work of the 21st century avant-garde cinema boom; inspired a wave of nerdy imitators wearing green hats

"Though somewhat entertaining, her body of work isn't as profound or as illuminating as the Mind Bending Thumb Bending video"

by captainbeefheart July 12, 2018

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cat caught yer thumb

Ref. to no chat on cell

Cat caught yer thumb or twat?

by Hercolena Oliver July 4, 2010

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creeping thumb-all syndrome

Severe pain in the thumb of each hand due to texting with hand-held devices that can send and receive email. This condition will creep up on the user over time and cause reduced motion of the thumbs. In severe cases, the user may loose the ability to communicate.

Bummer, I can barely text anymore as my creeping thumb-all syndrome has damaged my thumb joints.

by HughB March 21, 2008

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double chocolate thumb pops

when all fingers are clasped together, this leaves both thumbs together in an upright position. Insert the thumbs into your partners rectum, pull them out. Insert your penis into the rectum, reach around and stick your thumbs in their mouth to be sucked.

I tried to give my girl the double chocolate thumb pops last night but, she shit all over me in mid act.

by ocock June 12, 2007

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