A white and spiney creature of humanoid appearance, shows up at random times in the middle on roads and tree lines at nights , can be touted by his spiny boney back and stretched body, akin to the likes of big foot only showing himself at weird times that can't be physically caught on tape without looking fake, only seen in West Virginia as of now.
John Did you see bone bastard last night, Yeah Jim he was fucking scary looking
San Francisco Oakland Bay Area phrase - slapping someone on the back of the head or neck while yelling: sally bone/sally bowl/sally bo
Don't even think about giving me a Sally-Bone?
When you and your super sexy partner are hard and wet at the same time, respectively.
Hey hun it's raining bones?
Yeah...how'd you know?
Lets go get some bbq and get busy ;) ;)
The meaning to take someones or to try and take a friends girlfriend.
Christ, I couldnt believe it last night when Tony dazzle boned Darren
Oww no, my calcium levels are low I need to consume a fresh cold glass of bone juice
A cemetery
When you die, you are buried in a bone garden.
Pharmaceutical means of attaining WOOD. Whether taken through necessity but more than often taken recreationally. i.e. VIAGARA, BLUEY etc.
I'll be up in 40min Val. I gotta take my Bone Stone first love.
That Sophie's gonna gonna get battered later boys. I'll drop my Bone Stone after the pub then bang her like a salavation army drum at hers.