Source Code

chloe deacon


have you seen chloe deacon lately? pure hungry joe

by Greg543 April 28, 2021

Dorky chloe

A person named Chloe who wears wired earbuds in a ft but looks so dorky wearing them you laugh a lot and it catches your eye many many times.

Sawyer: Hey nice wired earbuds Dorky Chloe (With Rizz)
Chloe: Thanks cuh

by Thegingercartel January 19, 2023

Dorky chloe

A person named Chloe who wears wired earbuds and looks so dorky that you laugh and every time you see it you just think how cute and dorky it is to wear wired earbuds.

Sawyer: Hey, Nice wired earbuds dorky Chloe (With Rizz)
Chloe: Thanks cuh

by Thegingercartel January 19, 2023

Dorky chloe

A person named Chloe who wears wired earbuds in a ft but looks so dorky wearing them you laugh a lot and it catches your eye many many times.

Sawyer: Hey nice wired earbuds Dorky Chloe (With Rizz)
Chloe: Thanks cuh

by Thegingercartel January 19, 2023

chloe h

the most hottest girl that you would ever see

omg that girl is so chloe h!!
holy shit that girl is defiantly a chloe h
megan fox is just like chloe h

by omgimsogood May 22, 2023

Chloe Tyers

A Scottish whore who shags anyone they can often seen sulking around blaming anyone but them self for their shitty life

That girl is a right Chloe Tyers look at the way she acts

by No1ChloeHater November 23, 2024

Chloe Ash

the popular nice girl that goes to my school and everyone has a crush on her and she’s so funny and cute

Mia: Chloe Ash has the biggest ass I would bang her over the table

by mia’spseudonym April 9, 2021