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Did i ask?

When someone in the group chat (or in general) says something no one asked about in the conversation.

Bill Cosby Group Chat

John:yo tim, you wont believe it something crazy happened at the mall today!

Tim:what happened?

John:I saw THE Bill Cosby in the mall today harrassing a woman!

Tim:YOOO THATS SICK!! Did you take any pictures?

Bob:yo what happened?

John:I Just saw THE Bill Cosby in the mall today!


John:What do you mean who? This entire group chat is about bill cosby!

Bob: ASKED!!! Hahaha, haha, haaa...

Tim:Did i ask?


Tim:For you to stay in this group chat?

Bob was kicked from the group chat.

by Discord Luigi July 28, 2022

Did I ask

An already dead question asked by entitled knobs who think you need their permission for you to join a conversation. Also the cause of the depressed quiet kids who can't talk at all. Crazier when they ask why they're so fucking quiet.

'Did I ask for you to be so entitled to think you're the only one who's allowed to say something? I don't need your permission to speak you fuck.'

by whoopsigotanexistentialcrisis! May 18, 2023

Did I ask

A response suitable for multiple occasions, usually when the person who said it is annoyed.

Many consider using this as either annoying and immature or a good comeback.
Tread cautiously when using this as a reply.

- Dave: Dude, I can’t believe you don’t like Marvel. Who doesn’t?
- Leo: Did I ask?
- Miranda: Dang, roasted!
- Dave: Bro, I was just asking. Jeez.

by CitrusCat July 14, 2022

Did I ask

When someone says basically anything to you, you reply “Did I ask?”

“Yo I got a new car “
“Did I ask”

“I got a 100 on my test
“Did I ask?”

by Crockss March 9, 2022

Did I Ask

The easiest way to annoy someone. Just say did i ask to someone whenever they say something that doesn't matter.

Synonyms for Did I Ask are :

Who Cares?
Did i ask for your opinion?
So what?
Crazy, but i don't remember asking.
Who? Cares.

Guy1: Bro i just went to Russia!!

Guy2: That's crazy bro, but Did I Ask?

Guy1: :|

Guy1: STFU U little shit you have no family you little racist bitch you go die in a hole >:( you suk at mincraft go touch some grass >:((((((( Racist whore you gay n***** go die i hope you becom homeless and die from starvation and have ligma type 5 stage 4 dieseaseeeee!!! rACIST NOOB GO GET A LIFE QW0FUIW-0 GIWEGM'IPKLJ EORJ OJKONUlio i hate you go away you noob n*****8 fjwefiwjego; racist racist begone thot bitch fuck you go to hell and commit suicide i will break your niko niko kneecaps you racist whore go away get a life and a job then die in a car crash!!! >>>::((((((

Guy2: but Did I Ask


Guy1: *disappears from the face of Earth*

by NoWhyWhatWhoCares September 3, 2021

Did Does

Whopper knockers

she has whopperdid does

by whacko999 July 12, 2023

Ben Did It

Anytime anything happens its Bens fault.

Jeff: Oh man this Box Combo is wrong
Tom: Ben Did It
Jeff: Wow

by KnowMadd7 March 31, 2024