The Debug Menu of the thing that created us, scientists, biologists, geologists, etc just call it the “Periodic Table” Little do the scientists know, this is just how god does it, he uses The Periodic Table like a creative mode menu.
Science Teacher: If you look at the Periodic Table you will see that Mercury is right here.
The coolest lunch table You will ever see. The nicest people. Funniest jokes.everyone is friends
I wish I sat at table 11
Me too
A waiter/waitress/server that is persuasive and charming at his or her table and knows how to use their charm to suggest and or recommend the up sale.
Roy is the Table Cobra at Maria's Italian Resturant in Cape Coral, Florida because when he arrives to greet his table, they are hypnotized by his suggestive charm, talking his guests into ordering a $34 entree.
1930s to present a necrophile the mortuary table, or slab
While showing the new embalmer the lay out, the mortuary's manager cleared her throat before instructing that the younger bodies, the ones not mangled when they met their demise, are earmarked first for hole mark for the proprietor, Old Neckie, a table-hopper from way back.
Heheheheh YES! It DOES make me happy, a little bit!
Hym "You know my response to 'Is God a table?' Is (necessarily) that there are people who believe God is a table, though, right?"
Iam "OH! What color are musical notes!? Do the frequencies of music note in some way coincide with the frequencies of light on a color spectrum!? Is the any crossover between though 2 things!? Ohoho! I bet they ARE colors! Oooo you have better hope they are not technically colors! Heheheheh."
all bark and no bite, when someone is bluffing
"Man said he was gonna whoop me, but I think he's got no cheese on the table!"
"Yeah doig, yain't got nun to worry bout!"