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munkie talk

foolish or senseless talk that does not relate to hustling or furthering one's interests, and thus a waste of a player's precious time, coined by rapper Rick Ross.

"I ain't got time to play games; this ain't no munkie talk, this money talk."

by livinlavish January 18, 2010

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lovers talk

The sense between intensely and intimately bound people that time stands still as they verbally communicate about anything under the sun, while they simultaneously experience a poetry of the soul that transcends verbal speech.

Evidence of Lovers Talk: "We talked for hours about nothing, and hated to hang up the phone."

by shannadawn November 5, 2013

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When someone talks in a manor that is difficult to understand or interpret, the other person 'flow-talks' by just giving simple answers that they assume are desirable.

examples of flow-talking:

1) Chinese Take-Away: sa'vi'gar??
Tom: err, sure!
*take-away worker proceeds to drown the chips in salt and vinegar*
2) Peter: derler-der-de-de-ler *unaudible*
Chris: Yes
Peter: Really? *look of shock on Peter's face*
Chris: Oh, no!

by Dave Simmons June 9, 2007

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Talking sauce

To talk sauce: verb
1) To talk bad about an individual or situation

2) Can be used in place of "talking shit"
3) Mainly used in accusations; ie. Have you been talkin sauce?

I overheard Jessica talking sauce about Kim. She was saying how she got a new STD from Tom.

by SeanMon July 21, 2013

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Red Talk

War of Arsenal blogs between Randy Osae's 'Red London' and Chris Wheatley's 'Gooner Talk'.

these bloggers take Red Talk too far on newsnow

by Boobs366 July 18, 2010

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Fashowty talk

-used to express affirmation or assent or to mark the addition of something emphasizing and amplifying a previous statement

-used to express seriousness or truthfulness in a conversation.

Did you really just like that man?
-Fashowty talk.

I just killed a man.
-fashowty talk?
Fashowty talk.

by budbud206 March 2, 2009

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Talking Black

When a completely white person tries to act and/or talk like a stereotypical black person, and generally fail epically.

Random White Nerd: "*snorts* Wassup, nigga?"

Black Dude: "Get out my face, you piece of shit."

Random Hobo Walking By: "Yeah, man, stop talking black."

by Xx-Carebear-xX October 6, 2008

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