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Beef Sandwich

Beef Sandwich is the same meaning as Beef Lunch for Three. When three gay men engage in bareback sex all at the sametime in a sandwich

"Hey Scott Lucas, Would you like a Beef Sandwich today? Served up in the park or public toilets?"

by Mcfuck February 27, 2015

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Beef Tower

An extremely large erect cock.


by Splooge November 17, 2004

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Beef Stromboli

A huge turd.

Zig: Hey I'm gonna go pinch off a large beef stromboli.
Awesometrader5000: I don't give a shit.

by Frank Rizzoni October 28, 2009

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Beef Tarp

An excess of scrotal skin hanging from the scrotum.

The male version of beef curtains.

Dude, Brittany was licking my gooch last night and she got lost in my beef tarp.

by theguy2687 December 2, 2010

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blowing beef

The act of projectile vomiting (particularly when highly intoxicated).

Someone at my party was blowing beef out in the back yard.

by kdodd21 September 30, 2012

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Beef Castle

One who truly lifts.... A beef castle is huge beyond huge. Spending all free time in the gym, lifting, running, and generally becoming huge. A beef castle will typically have every major muscle in the body showing with less than 5 percent body fat. They also must be able to do exercises such as the muscle up and the human flagpole that normal humans cannot do.

Nicole McVey is the ultimate beef castle. She lifts hard core

by huge lifter dude October 7, 2014

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root beef

originated in an asian resturaunt located in littleton, new hampshire and put on to the food menu under the non-alcoholic drinks, this drink is listed as root beef.

not to be confused with the drink known as rootbeer, root beef is more creamier and satisfying, and has a hint of a meaty tang to it! its better then the average cream soda. this drink contains over 109% of your daily protein you'll need everyday!

"yes, i will have the veggie lo mein and a nice tall glass of root beef please."

"are you getting enough protein in your diet? ask your docter about ROOT BEEF, today!"

by rebeccaRUCKUS July 13, 2008

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