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to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common

"he was particularly fussy about spelling";
"a particularly gruesome attack";

by Alice Batch November 7, 2007

18👍 20👎

particularly troubled personality

A whack job nutcase who goes on a murderous rampage for any number of reasons, including but not limited to mental instability, political/ideological disputes, delusional government conspiracy theories, or personal socio-economic woes.

As defined by Pima County, AZ Sheriff Clarence Dupnik on msnbc.

That fuckin' whack-job Jared Loughner who shot AZ Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and 18 others is a prime example of a particularly troubled personality.

by dookeyboy January 11, 2011

25👍 4👎

hattie - about as interesting as a particularly grey looking pebble.

So exciting that nobody could ever out-excite her. She is a social oracle, who's favourite pastimes include hovering, sitting in silence, and awkward small talk. Not to mention sailing, and eating grapes.

*Hattie approaches person and sexually prods her in the sides*
Hattie: Heeey.
Random person: Oh. Hi. How was the party?
Hattie: *monotone* Ohhhh myyyy godddddddddd, i got sooooo wasted off TOTAL shitmix, i ended up in bed with some hot guy. Who was hot. Oh my godddddddddd, look at this picture i have on my phone of his penis. oh my GOD how did that get there? Oh, i vaguely remember tossing him off. No wait, i TOTALLY tossed him off. oh my godddddddddddd.

hattie - about as interesting as a particularly grey looking pebble.

by t655645765 March 9, 2009

6👍 4👎

You idiot, innocent fool -- particularly a teenager. Scots origin Glasgow urban slag


Hey! You idiot, innocent fool -- particularly a teenager.

Scots origin Glasgow urban slag is the definition of YouTube!
You idiot, innocent fool -- particularly a teenager. Scots origin Glasgow urban slag You idiot, innocent fool -- particularly a teenager. Scots origin Glasgow urban slag

by mtyuaduauduve3845 March 18, 2022