When you are in an intellectual conversation with a peer and they are more anti-Semitic than you are.
So the reason why I think Hitler did nothing wrong is... Sieg Heil. Wow... I just got out Nazied.
person 1 theres a cat nazi
person2 RUUN
A pandemic nazi is any one who will cast all thier hate against anyone who expresses an opinion or statement against what is popularly believed. They primarily live on reddit.
Stop being such a pandemic nazi.
a term for Russians in a reference to the Russo-Ukrainian war from 2014 to 2023 especially the invasion in 2022, the annexation of Kherson and the Bucha Massacre.
Plural: Russo-Nazis
Volodymyr Zelensky: We Ukrainians will never allow these Russo-Nazis take away our lands and invade our Polish Neighbours or our NATO, Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese allies! They think we're Nazis but we're not. The Russian invaders are the Nazis
Anyone in government who is there not only for power, but to keep their space in the Apocalypse bunkers, thus they will do anything the "deep state" tells them.
Rand Paul is the biggest Bunker Nazi I ever heard of.
someone who is a nazi about rules
stop being a rule nazi!! !! No one cares if you're not aloud to stop the puck in air hockey.
Some one who hates all flavours apart from potatoes and other bland food
Person 1 “Lemon cheese cake is my least fav flavour you can have it if you want”
Person 2” your such a flavour nazi”