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Sugar Ass

1. A Gorgeous Girls Amazing Ass

Harry: Ohhh mate did u see that Sugar Ass
Jacko: Yea mate sure did

Bob: Come here babe let me squeeze that Sugar Ass
Jess: Okay Babe

by Haro2 November 6, 2012

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Sugar water

Sugar water is a potent drug,made from mixing water and sugar in a cup.
*dont drink too much

Epic games overdosed on sugar water,thats why fortnite it going down hill

by Sugar water addict November 17, 2018

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sugar rush

Sugar Rush is the name of the song that was sung by Japanese Idols group AKB48 and it was feature in Wreck It Ralph.

All roads aren't straight, Yes they're windy ,And most likely bumpy, From time to time , things can get rough, We'll keep running anyway, Would you care for something sweet? ... S-U-G-A-R Jump into your racing car, Say SUGAR RUSH! SUGAR RUSH! S-U-G-A-R .

by sugartime May 8, 2017

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Sugar Daddy

A nice fat and juicy guy who jiggles and giggles when you touch him. there mottos are all flab and no ab. They work under the organization called sexy turtles create by Leonard and Leonarda the sexy turtles.

Martha: That sexy turtle is all flab and no ab
Isabel: Back off thats my sugar daddy

by TheCultoftheBeatsproutGrowers October 25, 2019

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Sugar Dick

Another meaning for the inverse of a Sagar Baby, namely a stud that is bought and paid for by a Sugar Mama, in exchange for sex and companionship...

I see old Patsy has get herself another Sugar dick...

by Canitt March 9, 2011

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Sugar Hand

When someone tries to shake your hand while they still have the residue from the food they were eating stuck to their fingers.

Dave finished his cheetos just as he introduced himself and straight sugar handed me.

by Jickmagger July 22, 2015

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Sugar Friend

A simp or friend that is so desperate to be with u that will pay u a lot of money, drive u & take u shopping & usually there’s no sexual relationship & is completely asexual.

There she goes with her sugar friends taking her shopping again.

by Vianni La Performer July 16, 2021

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