A college football Quarterback who, when about to be tackled, slides down and rolls over like the pussy that he is.
Damn, he could have made a first down, but instead, the sub-q rolled over like a pussy.
alt f4, but for Apple users. Basically quits the entire application.
Person 1: press alt f4 for free weapons
Person 2: I'm on MacBook Pro.
Person 1: then press command q.
*Person 2 has left the game*
Oh My Queerness or oh my queer
Created by Lexi Johansen and Gabe Tarren of Pacifica, California. Revolution: In fifty years some little child will say OMQ instead of Oh my Gawd and everyone will know what he/she means/ not question him/her!!! XD
O-M-Q!!! This soup has a leg in it!!
the pinnacle of boredom where the boredom has finally reached the point to where you have lost your job finding new ways to type the original "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" and "mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq" but you cannot find anymore ways to type a new way before they are all taken
Jon Doe: hey, "/q;apz.wlsox,ekdicmrjfuvnthgyb"
/q;apz.wlsox,ekdicmrjfuvnthgyb: *dies*
literally short for 'fuck you bitch
Sarah: date me please
Roxas: fa-q bits
When your boredom is unfathomable and you manage to type the impossible combination and do 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/ forward and backward at the same time
Me: i'm bored i'm gonna go 1/q;apz02.wlsox93,ekdic84mrjfuv75nthgyb66byghtn57vufjrm48cidke,39xoslw.20zpa;q/1