A propagandist. Drawn from the Russian term pronounced (loosely) as "maz-guy-ope", a brain-fucker is one who tries to fool his(her) listeners with: (1) emotional rhetoric that contain few (if any) facts, (2), conspiracy theories and accusations against opponents that are not supported by evidence, (3) arguments that opponents are members of "discredited" groups (i.e. globalists, liberals, racists, etc.)
I don't listen to talk radio. Most off those guys are brain-fuckers.
When someone exhibits or demonstrate that they have the mentality of the boomer generation.
You seriously need to stop coming at me with that boomer brain, you’re too conservative and traditional for me.
A state of being from when you cant process simple logic or basic instructions and your brain becomes overwhelmed, lowering your brain power and capacity to minimal levels, just enough to support life.
Same thing 'boomers' experience when using any form of modern technology (eg smartphones, computers etc).
Any generation can experience "Boomer Brain"
*At BBQ*
Alex: Did you bring the onions for the sausage sizzle?
Sophie: No, i thought you were?
Alex: You literally organised everything, why would i bring it?
Sophie: *stunned silence*
Alex: you didnt even bring butter either, fuck your boomer brain is bad.
Where your brain expels it's cells IQ Count so your particularly Retarded on a certain amount of time (seconds, minutes, etc)
He is struggling with his work, he has a Brain Nut for today
I had a Brain Nut for a few seconds.
When you and another person think, or do, the same thing at the same time. The actions make it apparent versus the words being said.
Hey, I miss you! <3 <3
I was literally just about to text you the same thing. Brain jinx! How funny :)
Foggy headed.
Inability to think.
Brain dead.
Out of sorts.
Without thought.
"I don't know bro. Give me a minute to think about it. I woke up lame brained. I had a long night ."
"What's taking you soo to answer my question? It's not Chinese arithmetic. You need to lay off the spice man. That shit has you lame brained."
When a person is not paying attention, distracted, daydreaming or considered mentally unattendant, they are usually discribed as "brain afk".
afk is an abreviation for "away from keyboard", usually used by the gaming community to indicate when a person has left their computer (e.g. to get a drink, go to the toilet etc.) and therefore unable to act in-game.
"brain afk" is meant to describe a persons mentality to (metaphorically) have left their brains temporarily, being the reason for the person to not pay attention or realize what is happening in their surroundings.
Teacher: Can someone please give me the answer to the question?
Student: What was the question? I was brain afk when the question was asked...