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Edgewood College

The college attended by people who like to say they go to school in Madison, Wisconsin, but were unable to actually get into the real deal. They use phrases like "I'm partyin' in Mad-town," and "I love going to school in Madison," but inside, feel a deep sense of inadequacy.

Edgewoodian: "I love partying in Madison."
Passerby: "You go to school there? Go Bucky!!!!"
Edgewoodian: "No, I go to Edgewood College."
Passerby: "Oh. Well then." {walks away}

by Buckysbff December 15, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

boston college

A school for those who did not get accepted to the University of Notre Dame

What do Notre Dame students and Boston College students have in common?

They both got into Boston College

by the gipper May 26, 2005

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Boston College

A university (not college) located outside just outside of Boston where only 95% of the stereotypes regarding the student body and the Jesuit administration are true.

Boston College basketball player, "Come'on I have to get to my bookie so I can lay $50 on us to cover the spread on Sat."

Boston College student, "Dude, I can't believe that your not popping up that collar on the Lacoste polo."

Boston College administrator, "We believe in supporting all lifestyles even those of people who are going to burn in hell or spend eternity in purgatory."

by BackinCali February 19, 2008

61๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Champlain College

A small private school in Burlington Vermont. The populus here is made up of dirty hippies - TAKE A BATH! - wanabe pro-snowboarders/skiers, and world of warcraft junkies.

Your social standing at Champlain is based on how many different colored neon clothes you have in your wardrobe, the type of car mommy and daddy bought for you, and your ability to wear snow pants seven days a week, nine months out of the year.

About 99% of the students at Champlain want to transfer a semester into their college career, but realize they can't because the administration is contantly treating the students like lab-rats, and has written - and rewritten - the most unconventional academic program known to man (which basically doesn't allow for the transfer of credits.)

"Wow! Did you see those freaks wearin' pink snow pants?"
- "Yeah that's weird, considering it's May. They must go to Champlain College."

by Don Cha No March 8, 2010

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Cazenovia College

A very small school in a town called Cazenovia. The only commercial places in the town include subway and McDonalds and you have to walk about a mile and a half to get to McDonalds, which isn't even worth it because the whole time school is in session its about 0 degrees outside. Cazenovia has the worst winters so it's always snowing and you're constantly ruining your suede boots!

And by all means, DO NOT listen to the tour guides. They LIE. They will make the school seem 100 times better than it really is and tell you how great the cafeteria is (btw it's the worst food I've ever had in my life, I can't believe it's actually edible) and they say that they will take you to the Syracuse mall whenever you want to, which is a lie because they rarely have mall trips.

Do not come here if you are looking for a good time. BEWARE Don't even bother going on a tour. They will lie and make you think it's an entirely different place than it really is.

Cindy: "I'm hungry"
Bill: "That's too bad because the cafeteria closes at 6!"
Cindy: "Why is that?"
Bill: "I have no idea, we pay $30,000 to go to Cazenovia College and I really do wonder where that money is going"

by collegechickka May 18, 2009

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Penn College

Missionary campus for Penn State. Is a technology college that is located in Williamsport, PA. Less than a hour north of Penn State's main campus.

Penn College, Penn Tech.

by Melissa Dean May 1, 2008

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Augustana College

A private college located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Although it's by no means a party school, the educational programs offered there are superior to many, many colleges, especially the ones in the area. Anyone who wishes to attend Augustana must have the idea that he or she is primarily there to learn, not to get drunk.

"I attend Augustana College, and I love it. Go Vikings!"

by seijunsuzuki January 21, 2012

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