Unc status: Someone who is above the age of 18 or just turned 18 yet is still surrounded by people younger than them. Also could be referred to as a pedo
A: Yo bro you just turned 18 huh?
B: Yeah why?
A: DAAMN, you're an unc now
A: He is always around kids bro
B: Yea he achieved unc status
When two or more red heads come together to fulfill their sexual desires
Damn zane and mason just got with that girl to have a statue of fireball.
A term to describe a specific CRM related phenomenon; or issue, real or apparent, in certain support-focused occupations, most commonly in the Online Product Development Market, i.e. starting work on a ticket to quickly realize it has just been solved by a colleague, but didn't appear as so because it's *Ticket Status:* wasn't updated to reflect said completion.
"@coworker, you've completed ticket X but you didn't revert its status back to "Sent for development".
"I got really excited by it and quickly posted @Department that I'll handle it."
"When I scrolled to the last update I was saddened that the ticket was already handled like used goods."
"You Status - Cucked me @coworker, how could you."
a name you get called by a nigga when you SUCK in a video game
or the nigga is just retarded
player dies*
Not smarter. Just less honest.
Hym "Well, I guess if the status quo is people like me not getting paid... Then the only way to upend it... Is for me to get paid! And I can't prove I'm better than Thomas Sowell at doing nothing if I... You know... Do more than nothing. That would defeat the entire purpose of this this I'm doing! Which is: proving that I'm better than everyone. Especially Thomas!"
An amazing guy whos smart, caring, overstanding, intelligent, wont talk to you he'll just talk to your little dude BUT MOST OF ALL HE WILL ALWAYS TELL U THE STATUS ON HIS POTATO
man 1: hey status you re so kind and caring can you please tell me the status on your potato
status potato: normally i wud but im sorry i cant tell you i can only tell your lil dude
his lil dude: what is the status on the potato, status?
status potato: the status is good because i am caring for it and always checkingt he status on the potato.
Status Potato is a caring guy who is nice, handsome short tempered, determined, good willed, kind, adventurous, homely, down-to-earth, doesn't talk to you he just talks to your lil dude AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IS ALWAYS CHECKING THE STATUS ON HIS POTATO.
Man 1: Status what is the status on your potato???
Status Potato: It is very safe because I care about my potato and I am always checking the status on it