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Maddy Sweet

She's absolutely fucking gorgeous. Her eyes, her everything. Maddy is the sweetest person you ever will meet. She is like a goddess standing before you. Anyone who meets her is very lucky she is quite the gem. She has a beautiful smile and just a wonderful personality. Even when Maddy isn't trying, she still looks like a model. But one thing about Maddy Sweet is that she is completely obsessed with the action of smacking her ass.

Dude1: Damn look at that hot girl bro!
Dude2: Watch out dude she is Maddy Sweet.
Dude1: So what?
Dude2: She is way out of your league, you're lucky if she even smiles at you.

by DaddyM;) September 3, 2018

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sweet boots

a wickedly awesome, way ass kicking, chick with sick kicks

That chick is hella sweet boots

by S and T November 8, 2004

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Mr. Sweet

Dudes named Jesse are most commonly named Mr Sweet

Is that Jesse or Mr. Sweet? Either way, he is a gem.

by Hellodali December 27, 2022

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Sweet Swinger

A sweet swinger is a baseball term used to describe a big power hitter, (usually left handed). A sweet swinger is someone who dives into the plate and drives balls over the right field fence. They are also notorious for yanking balls into the bullpen. A sweet swinger usually doesn't use the other half of the field and most sweet swingers usually originate from the good ol' hockey state of North Dakota.

David: Holy shit! That guy just pulled that outside fastball into the first base dugout!
Alex: yeah. we'll that's sweet swinger at the plate.

also can be spelled sweet swinga'
David: Did you see that ball that sweet swinga' hit today!
Vince: No. Wh-wh-wh-where'd it go?
David: He hit it OVER the right field fence onto 6th street.
Vince: R-r-r-really?
David: Yeah, and here's the best part, there was a police officer pulling over a car and the ball hit the cops car!
Vince: Wow. He sounds like a Navajo Warrior.
David: What's a Navajo Warrior?
Vince: It's what we called my brother on the reservation. He was a better hitter then sweet swinger.

by Cacahuate.Veinte.Y.Ocho December 19, 2009

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Sweet Jamz

Sweet Jamz is a catch-all phrase. It describes either a) music that totally kicks ass--whatever that may mean to you (except the Jonas Brothers, which could never be considered sweet jamz), or b), more commonly, any thing, person, place, occurrence, event, situation, eventuality, or outcome that is considered to be positive.

Etymology: probably the '70s. Brought to current vernacular by the residents of Mod 30.

your posse: "yo cindy's throwing a tag-team ladies bikini jello wrestling party this weekend."
you: "sweet jamz dude."

your boss: "we'd like to promote you to executive vice president of corporate development."
you: "sweet jamz yo."

your ma: "hey, wanna hear sleigh bells' 'crown on the ground'?"
you: "hell yeah, ma...SWEET JAMZ!!"

by Chas_mataz November 11, 2010

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Sweet Trolled

When "white boys" try to rap, and a god trolls them very nicely. they have there forth been sweet trolled:D

deuce bag : i am the best at rapping bro

deuce bag: im cool, and i rule, and i hate school, we should smoke weed, fuck that girl named reid, dude i just pead.

sweet troller: match my rhymes. i kill u with my star shine, just give me some time,i give ur girl some 69;)

intelligent person: Boy!! you just got sweet trolled!

by fucker666fucker January 27, 2012

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A spin-off of "cool-beans". Sweet-chickens is a phrase used to show someone's approval of something

"Dude, we're going to the bar later, you in?"
"Sweet-chickens, I'm down for that."

by JamJargin March 5, 2012

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