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Super Skinny Fitness Frauen

Super Skinny Fitness Frauen

Super Skinny Fitness Frauen sind Frauen, die auf Socialmedia Ihre, aufgrund von intensiven Trainingseinheiten unter dem Durchschnitt liegenden Körpermaße (BMI <18,5) in knapper Bekleidung zur Schau stellen.

by Juliane June 2, 2019

piss factory fit

A term used to describe someone having a major tantrum.

Tom: Dude, Sarah was totally pissed when I told her she didn't need to eat anymore Happy Meals. She had a fit!

George: Man, I bet she had a piss factory fit!

by Aphik November 4, 2010

fit guy

Eddie Munson.
This guy. 😚👌MWAH!
Sebastian Stan.
Steve Harrington.
Chris Hemsworth
Timothee Chalamalabingbong

“Hey! Look at that fit guy over there.”

Eddie Munson’s a fit guy.”

by Stevemunson July 7, 2022

Harbor Fitness

Brooklyn's Gym since 1991. Pride themselves on being "the best part of a members day, every day".

I remember working out at Harbor Fitness- it was the happiest time of my life!

by tansbro November 23, 2021

head doesn't fit my body

The feeling after a heavy night partying and drinking when you first awake with the hangover from hell.

I feel as rough as a bears ass and my head doesn't fit my body

by Lee Pea Pod September 26, 2015