Slowly taking it up the ass over a period of time so that you do not feel the effects of an invasion of your personal liberty or of that of your distinct social group.
Wow, that OPD raid sucked. But what do people think. They've let corporate America fuck them up the ass for years for years without saying anything as their individual freedoms were slowly eroded. It's like incremental anal.
When you have to take such a massive shit, it tips your sphincter.
Ohhhh!!! I just got done with lunch at this burrito place, and now I feel an anal nuke coming on!!!
Steven: Did you hear about Randy last night? I heard he dropped the soap and got anally violated
Similar to vomit dry reaching, but from your arse when you've got diarrhoea.
When you've shat so much, that there's nothing left... But the contractions of diarrhoea keep going regardless.....that's moment of dry reaching from your rectum is an Anal Heave.
When a great deal of time has elapsed since an individual last engaged in anal intercourse. Thus, the anus is desperate and gasps repeatedly as if gasping for much needed air/dick. This phenomenon happens most of the time in gay men, but can sometimes occur in women as well.
It has been so long. Alas, I have anal gasp.
When a shit the consistency of a hairball oozes out of your ass.
Nothing takes longer to get out of my ass than an anal poodle.