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Cab Rape

When somebody invites you to their place for the purpose of you paying for the cab, and not sex. You'll think you're going for sex, but there will be no sex at your destination. None.

I thought I was going to get lucky, but I just got cab raped.

by Nomad9 September 1, 2011

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bank rape

being grossly overcharged in a way that will deplete your bank account.

my sister got the bill from the eye doctor and it was total bank rape.

by shelbias August 7, 2010

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v. 1. When a individual is killed immediately after spawning in a multiplayer shooter, such as Call of Duty.
2. When someone spawns directly in front of you and you spawn-rape them
3. In Call of Duty Black Ops, when you find a tactical insertion and wait and kill the player who spawns there eventually.

Steve: Damn! I should've known someone would have found my tactical insertion.
John: Yeah, they totally spawn-raped you bad

Jack: WTF!!! that stupid guy keeps spawn-raping me!
John: (feeling guilty that he knows all the spawn locations)

David: Argh! my ratio is down to 25:8 from these repeated spawn-rapes!

by CoDanalyst October 27, 2011

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rape yourself

masturbating because you have to feed your addiction, not because you want to

Guy1- At this point, I don't even enjoy jacking it, I'm just feeding my crippling porn addiction.
Guy2-Damn that sucks, it's almost like you rape yourself on a daily basis.

by b0mba September 21, 2020

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phone rape

When A girl keeps a guy on the phone for an extended amount of time.

Sara phone raped trevor all night.

by not Josh October 5, 2005

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The act of being coerced by salespersons into purchasing something that one does not actually want, or can not afford; generally occurs in high-end department stores.

"Girl, that bitch at Nordstrom's totally retail-raped you. You'd best return that heinous bag."

by ihatechoosingusernames April 23, 2009

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cuddle rape

The act of forced cuddling upon an unwilling participant.

"Whenever I'm watching TV with Kelly she always ends up cuddling with me even though I don't want to. I feel like I'm being raped! I'm totally a victim of cuddle rape."

by Meg L. February 6, 2009

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