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lesbian Nazi

A post- millennial lesbian female, often found in soc-med chatrooms, that rejects all human beings that are not lesbian females.

A lesbian Nazi won't consider having a normal civilized conversation with anyone other than another lesbian female, even when the topic of conversation isn't sex.

by Sexydimma February 19, 2017

nazi goggles

When a man places his ballsack on a women's forehead, seperates his balls and slides them over her eyes

Man, she loves it when I give her the good ole Nazi goggles

by Lauren9huis September 23, 2017

Nazi Administrators

National Socialism Administrators or in modern terms, abusive and corrupt officials seeking to terrorize the populace. Key examples of these administrators are found on the internet particularly roaming from Reddit, 4Chan and other major forums, They attempt to flawlessly execute their power and expect no repercussion, using powers such as banning, failed DDoS attempts, Empty Threats and Community hate, they attempt to catalyse all their power into following their eternal leader to death by being a cock-sucker to the real owners of websites. Good Examples of Nazi Administrators can be found in GTAMC forums, particularly iHayden and his style of new Nazi-crusading. Examples of exertion of power is the wrongful banning of innocent players, crude comments, harsh punishments, and continuous public hate.

"iHayden banned another player, what was it for this time? Oh wait, He's the Nazi Administrator.."
"Guys, The Nazi Administrator is on.. Let's log off before we get banned for breathing"
"The New Update was published by iHayden, I guess I'm going back to WoW again."
"iHayden is training the new set of Nazi Administrators, This is fucking ridiculous"

by Oncloakes March 9, 2016

Nazi YouTube

A word that refers YouTube as the online version of Nazi Germany.

This word was first started by a Twitter user named @moridura on 16 Jan 2012 when he make this hashtag for something that isn't related with YouTube as he was referring more to a world issue.

The hashtag was used again in 2020 by TailzYT, as he denounced the YouTube team and Susan Wojcicki for acting like the online version of Nazi Germany due to their censorship against creators on YouTube.

Susan Wojcicki: I will censor everyone and make sure that they can no longer make any more videos denouncing other YouTubers that our team supports!

YouTube creators: YouTube, you are turning yourself into Nazi YouTube!

by TailzYT2002 April 13, 2020

nazi doctor

A term used by fat people to describe a doctor making them starve before surgery

My nazi doctor says I can't eat anything for the next 24 hours, but I am starving.

by Chocoballs1 August 5, 2015

nazi slap

Slaping someone hard enough to knock out there teeth

I nazi slaped the heck out of my teacher

by Nazi slap October 29, 2020

Nazi slap

When you back hand someone hard enough to knock out there teeth

I nazi slaped my teacher yesterday

by Nazi slap October 29, 2020