stratch marks,like purple zibra strips
tyler have puple zibras on u,tyler mom has purple zibras on her chest.
The time of night when everyone in a group has become so giddy and sleep deprived that everything becomes funny.
Everyone: *giggling over nothing*
Person A: Oh man, is it purple o'clock already?
Person B: Probably, let me check.
Person B turns to Person C and looks them in the eyes.
Person B (with a straight face): Purple.
Person C: *begins laughing hysterically*
Person B: *also begins to laugh* It's definitely purple o'clock.
When a girl gets boned so many times in one night her inner vagina turns purple and lose, the first one to smash after that point is given the title of purple slippers
"Dude go get Vanessa, she's all good to go!"
Hell no dude, I'm not about to get no purple slippers"
"IF purple was a colour and it chewed gum and drank water then that is what it would look like"
quote on quote de Angélica
Look at her minty purple headphones
Booz the Melmacian Had Died From Hypoventilation after He Got purple drank and just drunked.
Purple Car signifies the meaning of you and your crush participating in "sexual activities" in the backseat of a purple car.
"you have a purple car? imagine how many late night rides youd get outta that thing lol."