Belgian waffle stuffed with freshly sliced bananas, drizzled with peanut butter, and topped with chocolate chips. Often served with two eggs and two stops of bacon or sausage links.
You know what will cure this hangover? An Elvis waffle.
A waffle which you have shoved up your butt, folded up, and paid your friend to eat without him knowing what it actually is.
Man, Brian totally got me to eat a waffle goblin last night. It was nasty!
When 2 friends sleep with the same person.. They become waffle sisters..
Judy and Susie both slept with Joe, so now they are waffle sisters
Waffle cum is Waffle House mashed up in a plastic bag, that has been ejaculated into. Must sit like that for an hour or so to qualify as waffle cum.
Hey man, want some waffle cum?
The "supreme of all waffles and gods", often accompanied by a waffle demigod. Despite what the name would lead you to believe, its just some scrub muffin with an unhealthy addiction to waffles.
"I'm a waffle god, respect me peasant"
"No you're not Noah. You're a scrub muffin. And so is Kaeleb."
When a waffle is eaten fresh out of the freezer.
I was in such a rush this morning I couldn't cook, so I just grabbed a raw waffle.
the waffle is a vagina and sticky is cum. sticky waffle is a man cumming in a woman's vagina
last night i got mixed up in her sticky waffles